Lying in a secluded, vineyard-covered corner of the German state of Baden Württemberg, Freiburg is a laid-back, beautiful university city. Known throughout Germany for its good weather and vineyards, Freiburg is considered by Germans to be a desirable place to live. Due to its location in the "Dreiländereck" (Three-country corner), residents of Freiburg will travel to France and Switzerland to buy their respective native products. The nearest big cities are Basel and Zurich, and the locals more often describe themselves as being from Baden (the former independent state) than from Germany, and you are more likely to hear the anthem of Baden than the Deutschlandlied.
Exploring Freiburg
The Münster, Freiburg's Gothic cathedral, is one of the
oldest and most beautiful in all of Europe, and visitors can climb
to the top of the tower for the fabulous views across the city. The
whole of Freiburg is interlaced with 'bächle', small canals that
run through the streets. These canals were once used as a way to
fight fires in medieval Freiburg, and legend has it that if you
accidentally fall or step into one, you will marry a
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