Positioned ninety miles north of the Arctic Circle in Swedish Lapland, Kiruna is a spectacular destination at any time of year. A paradise for lovers of the great outdoors, Kiruna's magical landscapes include mountain ranges - Sweden's highest peak, Kebnekaise, is visible from the city, ancient woodlands, crystal clear lakes and rivers and beautiful valleys.
Extending hundreds of miles above the Arctic Circle, beautiful Lapland takes up about a quarter of Sweden's land mass. This wonderful array of forests, wide and open valleys, water and wetland is also the country's most sparsely populated region. Lapland's vast territory was largely unknown and undiscovered until the late 19th century, when a railway line to the iron ore mines farther north made the region more accessible to Sweden's southern population.
Situated on the eastern shore of Lake Storsjön - Sweden's fifth largest lake - Östersund is located in roughly the centre of Sweden. As the only town of any size in the vicinity, it is a major cultural and transportation centre. One of the enduring legends about the town is that the lake's rarely-sighted monster has come ashore there.
Stockholm is one of the most beautiful capitals in the world, which was built on 14 islands. These islands have been connected together by no fewer than 57 bridges. With its 750 year history and rich cultural life, Stockholm offers a wide selection of world-class museums and attractions.