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7 fascinating facts about St Andrew

30 November 2015


St Andrew, or Andrew the Apostle, along with his brother Peter was a fisherman on the shores of Galilee when Jesus called on both of them to become his disciples


He was baptised by John the Baptist with the name Prōtoklētos, meaning 'the first called' signifying he was Jesus's first ever disciple


Despite being Scotland's patron saint, Andrew the Apostle never actually stepped foot in the country, he was awarded this posthumous honour in 1320 at the signing of the Declaration of Arbroath


The Scottish flag's white Saltire is a symbol of St Andrew's death as he was crucified on an x shaped cross by the Romans on this day in 60AD


His good deeds continue in his name to this day with many global St Andrews societies and charities raising money for those needs


As the first Bishop of Greece he is also their patron Saint, and can add to his list of patronal titles- Romania, Barbados, sore throats, singers, fishmongers, women trying to conceive and gout


A vision of the Saltire is said to have spurned a Scottish tribe onto victory against Northumbria in 832 AD, first igniting the idea of St Andrew looking out for the hardy people of this country.