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World's most famous streets

15 November 2018

Though we don't really think about streets on a daily basis unless we're trying to get to somewhere, it's amazing just how many streets in the world can be a holiday destination in themselves. Whether you're looking for shopping, entertainment, a bit of history, or a taste of the life of a city, a really good street can be the buzzing, beating heart of a place. In this list, we explore some of the most wonderful and famous streets across the earth. Because each country named on this list could probably produce entire lists by themselves, we've stuck to just one famous street per country.

The Las Vegas Strip, Las Vegas

Glittering, glamorous, and chock full of sin, the fabulous Las Vegas strip is undoubtedly one of the most famous streets in America. This one beat off stiff competition from an absolute ton of American streets like Fifth Avenue, Beale Street, and Bourbon Street simply because it is utterly insane. Turn in any direction and you could be in Venice (in the Venetian), Egypt (in the Luxor Las Vegas), or Paris (Paris Las Vegas), and it's all extremely gaudy and fun. You probably don't even need to enter one of the myriad of casinos, playhouses, or music venues to have fun on the Las Vegas strip as in a lot of cases, the hotels themselves are the show!

Champs-Élysées, Paris

The epitome of elegance, the most famous street in Paris (if not Europe), the Champs-Élysées is a 1.2 mile long stretch of beauty that runs between the Place de la Concorde and the Place Charles de Gaulle where you can find the gorgeous Arc de Triomphe. Of course, as it is Paris after all, the streets are lined with all manner of beautiful fashionable shops and boutiques. The status of retail on the Champs-Élysées is so ingrained into the street that a committee was formed in 1860 to promote retail and publicity, and it still runs today. This actually makes it the longest running committee in Paris. This is a street which you could spend entire days exploring. It is so loved by the French that it is here most of the parades are held, most notably, the Bastille Day military parade.

Abbey Road, London

London has a load of roads that could be considered for this list, including elegant Oxford Street and bohemian Carnaby Street, but arguably the most famous is Abbey Road. This is a fairly ordinary street. It is located in St. John's Wood, quite near Lord's Cricket Ground, and quite an irritating distance away from the metropolitan centre of London, so why is it so famous? Well, because four scouse lads took a stroll along the crossing one time. Of course, these scouse lads were The Beatles, and when they took a stroll across the road it was for the most iconic album cover of all time ('Abbey Road'). This means that thousands of tourists descend upon this otherwise unremarkable road to recreate the photo, probably to the annoyance of residents. So famous is the crossing, it is actually listed by English Heritage.

Ginza, Tokyo

There is no other street in Japan as famous as Ginza in Tokyo. Here, you are surrounded by bright lights, modern skyscrapers, and an incredible selection of shops, restaurants, boutiques, and department stores. In actuality, Ginza (meaning 'silver mint') was built way back in the 16th century, but it seems that the residents of Japan had some foresight into Ginza's future - it is now one of the most expensive places to live in the world. Whilst here, why not pay a visit to Wako? This enormous department store has survived an incredible amount since being built in 1921. From earthquakes to bombings, the building has retained its incredible art-deco beauty and is an iconic building in Ginza.

Chandni Chowk, Delhi

It's busy, it's chaotic and it's filled with amazing colours, people from all corners of the world, buzzing tuk-tuks and street vendors selling wares of all sorts. Chandni Chowk in Old Delhi has to be one of the most incredible places to visit if you want to get a true and vibrant idea of what it's like to live in this amazing Indian city. This market has been a focal point of the community since the 17th century, when it was built by Shah Jahan, the Mughal Emperor of India. As well as shops and market stalls, you can also find a wide selection of haveli (historic mansions) and religious buildings, but arguably the best places to visit here have to be the spice markets with their piles of aromatic and vibrant spices.